The Journey Begins…Continues…but Never Ends

Writing out loud!

The Story Goes on Forever – How it All Happened

Death is inevitable for all humans; the only question is when. When will your life flash in front of you like a movie that only you understand? That is always a question that, although it is acknowledged, one would never want to talk about it. Fear of death can take you by the neck and bring you into a place of complete despair. Personally, I am not scared of the topic of death. I find it quite interesting to think of when I will die, where, and how. However, feel is the keyword there. I know myself well enough to know that if I knew exactly when, where, and how I was going to die, I would be a different person for the worse.

When, where, and how you are going to die is probably the one thing I wouldn’t even wish upon my worse enemy. Out of these three, I think I would rather know when I would die. If I knew when I would know how long I have to truly live the life I want to. I feel like if I knew when I would die, I would be more willing to take the risk that I tell myself not to wait and just do it. Although I would, of course, become more cautious when the day came, but other than that, I would try to experience the best of life while I was still here. “I have time,” “I can do it later” these are all phrases I use, but if I know my time is short, I will be more tempted to do it.

Of course, I can’t for sure say how I would act. I know how I would hope to move. I assume that I will probably act the complete opposite of how I hope to simply because I have a habit of contradicting myself and not knowing it. Regardless of how I do act, after thinking about this, I am more motivated to do the things I was scared to do. One day I will go, but I’m trying to live a better life that I will be happy about when it is time to go.

Yaneana L.

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The story goes on forever-Death Will Come Anyway Just Live Your Life

I don’t really fear death or dying as a whole because dying is a natural part of life that you can’t control so you just have to live that’s all you really can do really. When we worry about a death we lose sight of life and what it can bring because you don’t know when or how you will die so just live your life. We can throw away our life when we focus on the wrong thing so we can be with the ones we love and care for so just focus on living. The focus on one thing can make us whole and makes us alive. when we try to focus on two things at once we do both poorly so we can live life and not worry about death.

If I would die today I would be happy with the life I lived and wouldn’t change much in my life. I would only change one thing with the way that I lived and that would be more kind to all people and the people that I know and love. I am living now so I’m doing my best to better myself every day and the people around me that I care about. I sometimes have problems controlling my anger and I want to better that for the people around me. In my life, I need to better my self and the people around me before I go.

We need to get back to being nice to each other and living as kind humans to each other. Knowing how you live and how you can change can help the people around you. Knowing when you are going to die shouldn’t change your life what we should focus on living in the know. If we are pleased with the life we lived now we should focus on how we can for the better. I am pleased with the life I lived and the mistakes I made me the person I am and I will only get better from now.

Jahir A.




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The Story Goes on Forever- Take the Leap

The clip made me think a lot about how I am living my life. Personally, I like to put things off and continue to tell myself that i have time. The thing is, I don’t really know that I have time. I could die at any moment on any day and yet I keep putting things off in my life. This clip helped put in perspective to go and do the things I want because in the end I’m going to eventually die.

We tend to keep saying that we will do the tings we want tomorrow because we just don’t have time today. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed  though so why do we keep telling ourselves it is. Any day in our life could be the last. So why do we wait to say the things we mean or do the things we want? I think I was able to know when I am i going to die I would like to know.

This is because I can almost make a time line of my life.By knowing when I die I can plan my life out perfectly. I won’t need to worry about dying before I get to do anything in my life. I can make sure to spend enough time with the people I love and do everything I love. Even if I were to die soon then I take the little time I have and focus on the important things in life. So, if you are thinking about whether or not to do something, take the leap it could be the last chance you ever get.

Holly F.

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The Story Goes on Forever – Knowledge is Power

This clip made me realize that I am living my life in a very content way. I am not worried about getting certain things done in my life before I die. However this isn’t good because I should live my life like everyday’s my last and make sure that I have an impact that I am proud of. Unlike in the movie, we don’t know when we are going to die, so we must not live life so that we don’t have regrets . It was a reminder to not get stuck on the little things in life that can hinder me from enjoying it and being proud of what i’ve done on earth.

If I knew when I was going to die , I don’t think that I would change how I live me life. The way that I see it if I changed the way that I lived just because I knew the date then that wouldn’t really be me. I would continue to live me life the same way that I do now, because thats who I really am. It would feel like an abandonment of my character and I wouldn’t compromise my character to have a different.

Often what holds us back from living our best lives is fear of how society will view us. If we can eliminate the fear and worry of how others will view us for our actions, we can live the life that we strive for. This is such a freeing sensation, and will allow you to do the in the moment things that we want to do. This is the key for living in the moment like we want to.

Michael W

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The Story Goes on Forever-“But What If”

In the 6th grade I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression. All the diagnosis was just a clarification to my symptoms. The constant butterflies in my stomach until nausea, the excessive sweating and shaking, the fatigue, the jumpiness, etc; the list goes on forever. At all times my brain tells me something bad is bound to happen. The amount of exhaustion I feel from my brain going a million miles a minute has definitely put a toll on my life. From things like my phobia of escalators to the fact that I avoid crowded isles not matter how much I need that item. It feels like I’ve been living my life in a precautionary bubble. If I was told I would die soon, I would most certainly feel unfulfilled with my life.

I feel like most times I catch myself in my own head. Obsessing over the past or the future but never there– in the present. Of course, If I was told I would die tomorrow, I don’t actually know what I would do. I would probably waste even more time obsessing over the time I have already wasted. Then, I would probably spend even more time obsessing over how I will die. However, when I finally come to my senses, there is one thing I would do. I would write a 4-page letter. Four, because that is the day I was born and four is my lucky number. I would write this to everyone I love just so when I am gone they could have something left of me from the heart.

My first page,  I would write to parents and family. I would send my thank you’s and tell them to not to miss me too much because I am always around. Also I would tell them to settle their differences. The second page would be to my friends. Again, I would  thank them and tell them which songs to play at my funeral and follow their dreams.The third, to people I am not on good terms with and never got to reconcile with. Finally, the last page to myself and that would just be a reflection of my life.

Raynetta N.

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The Story Goes On Forever- Living Life to the Fullest

I often think about how fast life goes by, and if I’m going to regret not doing everything I want to do. Truthfully, it’s scary how I have barely 2 years left of high school, and then college, and then, like, the rest of my life? What am I going to do? I really wish I could pause the whole world and take everything in, and the more I think about it the more I think I’m wasting time. How many minutes of my life have I been sitting in class bored out of my mind and daydreaming when I could be doing something I care about? When you begin to understand the excruciatingly slow but also deathly fast passage of life, it’s confusing and worrying.

The thing is, everyone is always talking about making the most of every moment and living your life to the fullest and all that garbage, but I don’t think anyone really does in the ideal way. Because when people talk like that, they always imagine going backpacking across South America to experience nature and culture and find themselves or whatever, but no one has that kind of money. I think there’s no real way to live your life to the fullest before you die because no one’s really thinking about it all the time.

You try to be mindful of it, but it’s impossible. Not many people are thinking “I should live this moment right now” because they’re just living it. It’s kind of a stupid idea. But if I knew I was gonna die in a year, I think I’d still forget about it and not be thinking about it constantly because things that are depressing always work their way to the back of my mind. I guess if I knew I was going to die soon, and couldn’t prevent it, I’d be mostly the same.

Aurora G.

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The Story Goes on Forever- Live Everyday

Death is something everyone has to face one day, it’s unavoidable. It’s unexpected and can happen any day or moment. Nobody wants to hear that they are going to die, but it happens to everyone one day. This gives everyone reason to live their life to the fullest. Living every day to the fullest is important because you never know when your last could be. It’s important to love the people in your life while you can because you never know when the last time you see them will be.

The clip shown made me realize a lot. It made me realize that I should be living every day like it’s my last. It made me realize that I shouldn’t let small things get to me and bother me. It gives me the courage to try new things and not be afraid. It makes me want to live differently and not care what other people think or say. It made me realize that I should live every day with a positive mindset and just live in the moment.

If I was told I was going to die, I would live differently. I would want to see the people I love as much as possible. I would want to do everything I’ve always been hesitant to do. I would do everything in my power to make sure I lived a good happy life. This all makes me realize I should live my life free of regret and in full happiness.

Allie F.


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The Story Goes on Forever- Live Life Like it’s Your Last

All over, you hear people using the phrase, “Live life to the fullest.” When you think about it, you should live your life as best as you can because you only get one chance at it. With this special life, you should not live it hiding in the shadows, you should live it out. When you’re bored, go out and be with your friends or help people who need it. Earth is a gift, and we should live it like we are supposed to. We got put on this earth for a reason and we should try to find out the reason we were put here. There is no better gift than the gift of life.

I still haven’t fully understood the concept of life. It is confusing and sometimes scary. We are born and have all these adventures ahead of us and then we die. No one knows what happen after death and I think that is the scariest thing in the world. If I knew when my time was running out, I would do everything in my power to fix it so I had more time. I feel as if I knew when I was dying, that I would live life so differently. I would do everything that I am scared to do and take risks that I would never think of doing. I would not give up when I hit a roadblock and would keep pushing for what I believe in.

In your life, your going to make mistakes, but you should never regret your life. I always try to live my life the way I was taught. I try my hardest to help out everyone who needs help and to not be selfish. I try to keep my life peaceful and calm because I want to make the most of this life and getting into trouble will make it worse. I never want to have a problem with someone or create drama. I tend to look future or dwell on the past which I should not do. I want to start learning how to live in the moment because it only happens once and I want to take in more of the beauty. Life is complicated and every day I learn more and more about it.

Kim H.

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The Story Goes on Forever- Live Life to the Fullest

Everyone dies eventually but would you like to know the exact day that you are going to die? Some people might be okay with knowing what day they were doing to die, but others could live in fear for the day to come. I personally would like to know what year I was going to die in instead of the exact month and day. I would live my life the same but be more adventurous.

The clip we watched in class made me realize that I shouldn’t be afraid to do adventurous things and instead live my life to the fullest. If I knew the exact day I was going to die I would try to accomplish everything on my bucket list. Some of my life goals are to travel to all 50 states, which I am already halfway done, take a trip to Paris, Italy, and Australia, and to meet my favorite movie stars. These are the things I always wanted to do ever since I was in grade school.

We can get past obstacles by thinking positively and living life to the fullest. To live in the moment we have to not let things bother us and ignore those who are trying to hold you down. To make sure that we live our best life possible, we have to cut out all the negative things in life. I want to accomplish something life changing before the day I die so that my story will go on forever.

-Katelyn C


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The Story Goes On Forever–Live In The Moment

The clip that we watched today made me realize about the way that I am living my life should be important to me. Life goes by so fast, and I don’t realize how fast its going. The way that I want to live my life is by having a positive mindset. If I knew when I would die, I would not live my life different because I am happy with my life. I do not like thinking into the future or determining or guessing what is going to come next in my life. Life does not write my story or pick which way I am going to go because I decide what my story wants to be.

We can get past obstacles that hold us back from ”living in the moment” so that we can have the life we want is by thinking to your self that you can do it, and get past those obstacles. In life the obstacles are not the problem that is in the way, it is all in your head. That is why having a positive mindset comes in because when you put in your head that you can get through those obstacles and accomplish or succeed in anything you want. Putting your mind to something makes you feel good that you accomplished something in your life, so when your time does come, you can think to yourself, and say ”wow, I can’t believe I accomplished that in my life.” Everyone has something they can accomplish.

We can ensure that we live a well-lived, a life free from regrets, a life filled with as much peace and happiness as is possible by not being afraid to do something. After all, we are the ones who are sometimes afraid of obstacles in life. To conquer those obstacles you can not have fear. Fear is just a way to make you try harder. That is why the way you live your life should show important to you.

Kaitlyn D.


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